24 research outputs found

    Story Cloze Ending Selection Baselines and Data Examination

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    This paper describes two supervised baseline systems for the Story Cloze Test Shared Task (Mostafazadeh et al., 2016a). We first build a classifier using features based on word embeddings and semantic similarity computation. We further implement a neural LSTM system with different encoding strategies that try to model the relation between the story and the provided endings. Our experiments show that a model using representation features based on average word embedding vectors over the given story words and the candidate ending sentences words, joint with similarity features between the story and candidate ending representations performed better than the neural models. Our best model achieves an accuracy of 72.42, ranking 3rd in the official evaluation.Comment: Submission for the LSDSem 2017 - Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics - Shared Tas

    Neural Skill Transfer from Supervised Language Tasks to Reading Comprehension

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    Reading comprehension is a challenging task in natural language processing and requires a set of skills to be solved. While current approaches focus on solving the task as a whole, in this paper, we propose to use a neural network `skill' transfer approach. We transfer knowledge from several lower-level language tasks (skills) including textual entailment, named entity recognition, paraphrase detection and question type classification into the reading comprehension model. We conduct an empirical evaluation and show that transferring language skill knowledge leads to significant improvements for the task with much fewer steps compared to the baseline model. We also show that the skill transfer approach is effective even with small amounts of training data. Another finding of this work is that using token-wise deep label supervision for text classification improves the performance of transfer learning

    Can a Suit of Armor Conduct Electricity? A New Dataset for Open Book Question Answering

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    We present a new kind of question answering dataset, OpenBookQA, modeled after open book exams for assessing human understanding of a subject. The open book that comes with our questions is a set of 1329 elementary level science facts. Roughly 6000 questions probe an understanding of these facts and their application to novel situations. This requires combining an open book fact (e.g., metals conduct electricity) with broad common knowledge (e.g., a suit of armor is made of metal) obtained from other sources. While existing QA datasets over documents or knowledge bases, being generally self-contained, focus on linguistic understanding, OpenBookQA probes a deeper understanding of both the topic---in the context of common knowledge---and the language it is expressed in. Human performance on OpenBookQA is close to 92%, but many state-of-the-art pre-trained QA methods perform surprisingly poorly, worse than several simple neural baselines we develop. Our oracle experiments designed to circumvent the knowledge retrieval bottleneck demonstrate the value of both the open book and additional facts. We leave it as a challenge to solve the retrieval problem in this multi-hop setting and to close the large gap to human performance.Comment: Published as conference long paper at EMNLP 201


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    Teenagers are not welcome in playgrounds - parents recognize them as a risk to younger children and the city government - to the facilities, but what teenagers suffer from is a place where they can gather and do something together. If the municipality provides decent open spaces for teenagers to know as themselves and a place to socialize without public pressure, then they will be able to channel their energy in a constructive way and the public opinion of teenagers will improve


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    In the limited volume of the article, we will only consider activities that can gain added value when implemented in a post-industrial environment, not activities for teenagers in general. Attention has been paid to activities that can benefit from elements specific to the specific environment - building stock, materials, etc. The article examines the potential of these areas to create plots that better suit teenagers and the possibilities for adhoc transformations in play spaces that better meet the complex needs of teenagers for outdoor activities

    Understanding In-Context Learning via Supportive Pretraining Data

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    In-context learning (ICL) improves language models' performance on a variety of NLP tasks by simply demonstrating a handful of examples at inference time. It is not well understood why ICL ability emerges, as the model has never been specifically trained on such demonstrations. Unlike prior work that explores implicit mechanisms behind ICL, we study ICL via investigating the pretraining data. Specifically, we first adapt an iterative, gradient-based approach to find a small subset of pretraining data that supports ICL. We observe that a continued pretraining on this small subset significantly improves the model's ICL ability, by up to 18%. We then compare the supportive subset constrastively with random subsets of pretraining data and discover: (1) The supportive pretraining data to ICL do not have a higher domain relevance to downstream tasks. (2) The supportive pretraining data have a higher mass of rarely occurring, long-tail tokens. (3) The supportive pretraining data are challenging examples where the information gain from long-range context is below average, indicating learning to incorporate difficult long-range context encourages ICL. Our work takes a first step towards understanding ICL via analyzing instance-level pretraining data. Our insights have a potential to enhance the ICL ability of language models by actively guiding the construction of pretraining data in the future.Comment: ACL 202

    bgGLUE: A Bulgarian General Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark

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    We present bgGLUE (Bulgarian General Language Understanding Evaluation), a benchmark for evaluating language models on Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks in Bulgarian. Our benchmark includes NLU tasks targeting a variety of NLP problems (e.g., natural language inference, fact-checking, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, question answering, etc.) and machine learning tasks (sequence labeling, document-level classification, and regression). We run the first systematic evaluation of pre-trained language models for Bulgarian, comparing and contrasting results across the nine tasks in the benchmark. The evaluation results show strong performance on sequence labeling tasks, but there is a lot of room for improvement for tasks that require more complex reasoning. We make bgGLUE publicly available together with the fine-tuning and the evaluation code, as well as a public leaderboard at https://bgglue.github.io/, and we hope that it will enable further advancements in developing NLU models for Bulgarian.Comment: Accepted to ACL 2023 (Main Conference

    OPT-IML: Scaling Language Model Instruction Meta Learning through the Lens of Generalization

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    Recent work has shown that fine-tuning large pre-trained language models on a collection of tasks described via instructions, a.k.a. instruction-tuning, improves their zero and few-shot generalization to unseen tasks. However, there is a limited understanding of the performance trade-offs of different decisions made during the instruction-tuning process. These decisions include the scale and diversity of the instruction-tuning benchmark, different task sampling strategies, fine-tuning with and without demonstrations, training using specialized datasets for reasoning and dialogue, and finally, the fine-tuning objectives themselves. In this paper, we characterize the effect of instruction-tuning decisions on downstream task performance when scaling both model and benchmark sizes. To this end, we create OPT-IML Bench: a large benchmark for Instruction Meta-Learning (IML) of 2000 NLP tasks consolidated into task categories from 8 existing benchmarks, and prepare an evaluation framework to measure three types of model generalizations: to tasks from fully held-out categories, to held-out tasks from seen categories, and to held-out instances from seen tasks. Through the lens of this framework, we first present insights about instruction-tuning decisions as applied to OPT-30B and further exploit these insights to train OPT-IML 30B and 175B, which are instruction-tuned versions of OPT. OPT-IML demonstrates all three generalization abilities at both scales on four different evaluation benchmarks with diverse tasks and input formats -- PromptSource, FLAN, Super-NaturalInstructions, and UnifiedSKG. Not only does it significantly outperform OPT on all benchmarks but is also highly competitive with existing models fine-tuned on each specific benchmark. We release OPT-IML at both scales, together with the OPT-IML Bench evaluation framework.Comment: 55 page